Каталог детских книг из США
Feinberg B.S. America's first ladies: chaning expectations.-
New York [et al.]: Watts, 1998.- 144 p.: ill.
Grace C.O. The White House: an illustrated history.- [New
York]: Scolastic nonfiction, 2003.- 144 p.: ill.
Hatt C. World War I 1914 - 1918.- New York [et al.]: Watts,
2001.- 62 p.: ill.- (Documenting history).
Hoobler D. We are Americans: voices of the immigrant
experience/ D.Hoobler, T.Hoobler.- [New York]: Scolastic nonfiction,
2003.- 194 p.: ill.
January B. The Revolutionary War/ Brendan January.- New York
[et al.]: Children's press, 2000.- 48 p.: ill.- (A true book).
Landau E. The Transcontinental Railroad.- New York [et al.]:
Watts, 2005.- 64 p.: ill.- (Watts libr.).
McNeese T. The space race/ Tim McNeese.- New York [et al.]:
Children's press, 2003.- 48 p.: ill.- (Cornerstones of freedom. Second
Quiri P.R. Ellis Island: a true book/ Patricia Ryon Quiri.-
New York [et al.]: Children's press, 1998.- 48 p.: ill.- (A true book).
Schlapfer G.G. The Louisiana Purchase.- New York [et al.]:
Watts, 2005.- 64 p.: ill.- (Watts libr.).
Sonneborn L. Women of the American West.- New York [et al.]:
Watts, 2005.- 64 p.: ill.- (Watts libr.).
Spangenburg R. The history of NASA/ R.Spangenburg, K.Moser.-
New York [et al.]: Watts, 2000.- 128 p.: ill.
Stein R.C. The roaring twenties/ R. Conrad Stein.- Chicago:
Children's press, 1994.- 32 p.: ill.- (Cornerstones of freedom).
Webster C. The Lewis and Clark expedition/
Christine Webster.- New York [et al.]: Children's press, 2003.- 48 p.:
ill.- (Cornerstones of freedom. Second ser.).
Whitcraft M. Wall Street/ Melissa Whitcraft.- New York [et
al.]: Children's press, 2003.- 48 p.: ill.- (Cornerstones of freedom.
Second ser.).
Zeman A. Everything you need to know about American history
homework/ A.Zeman, K.Kelly.- [New York]: Scholastic ref., 2005.- VIII,
152 p.: ill.- (Scholastic homework ref. ser.).
Государственное устройство США. Права граждан
De Capua S. Making a law/ Sarah De Capua.- New York [et al.]:
Children's press, 2004.- 48 p.: ill.- (A true book).
De CapuaS. Voting/ Sarah De Capua.- New York [et al.]:
Children's press, 2002.- 48 p.: ill.- (A true book).
Ditchfield C. Freedom of speech/ Christin Ditchfield.- New
York [et al.]: Children's press, 2004.- 48 p.: ill.- (A true book).
January B. The Supreme Court.- New York [et al.]: Watts,
2004.- 64 p.: ill.- (Watts libr.).
Le Vert S. Congress.- New York [et al.]: Watts, 2004.- 64 p.:
ill.- (Watts libr.).
Le Vert S. The Electoral college.- New York [et al.]: Watts,
2004.- 64 p.: ill.- (Watts libr.).
Quiri P.R. Congress/ Patricia Ryon Quiri.- New York [et al.]:
Children's press, 1998.- 48 p.: ill.- (A true book).
Quiri P.R. The presidency/ Patricia Ryon Quiri.- New York [et
al.]: Children's press, 1998.- 48 p.: ill.- (A true book).
Rubel D. Scholastic encyclopedia of the presidents
and their times/ forew. by J. M. McPherson.- [New York]: Scholastic
ref., 2005.- 244 p.: ill.
Santella A. U.S. presidential inaugurations/ Andrew
Santella.- New York [et al.]: Children's press, 2002.- 48 p.: ill.-
(Cornerstones of freedom. Second ser.).
Национальные символы
Keenan S. O, say can you see? America's symbols, landmarks,
and inspiring words/ ill. by A.Boyajian.- [New York]: Scolastic
nonfiction, 2004.- 64 p.: ill.
Quiri P.R. The American flag/ Patricia Ryon Quiri.- New York
[et al.]: Children's press, 1998.- 48 p.: ill.- (A true book).
Quiri P.R. The Statue of Liberty/ Patricia Ryon Quiri.- New
York [et al.]: Children's press, 1998.- 48 p.: ill.- (A true book).
Регионы США
A guide to popular U.S. landmarks/ gen. ed. Wilson R.G.- New York [et
al.]: Watts, 2003.- 128 p.: ill.
Cotter K. New York.- New York [et al.]: Children's press,
2002.- 80 p.: ill.- (From sea to shining sea).
De Angelis G. Virginia.- New York [et al.]: Children's press,
2001.- 80 p.: ill.- (From sea to shining sea).
Furman E. Washington, D.C.- New York [et al.]: Children's
press, 2002.- 80 p.: ill.- (A true book).
Hallinan V. Rhode Island.- New York [et al.]: Children's
press, 2003.- 80 p.: ill.- (From sea to shining sea).
Hanson-Harding A. Texas.- New York [et al.]: Children's
press, 2001.- 80 p.: ill.- (From sea to shining sea).
Hintz M. United States of America.- New York [et al.]:
Children's press, 2004.- 144 p.: ill.- (Enchantment of the world.
Second ser.).
Johnson E.M. Michigan.- New York [et al.]: Children's press,
2002.- 80 p.: ill.- (From sea to shining sea).
Miller A. Colorado.- New York [et al.]: Children's press,
2002.- 80 p.: ill.- (From sea to shining sea).
Petersen C. United States of America/ C.Petersen, D.Petersen;
Christine Petersen, David Petersen.- New York [et al.]: Children's
press, 2001.- 48 p.: ill.- (A true book).
География и экология
Scholastic atlas of Earth.- New York [et al.]: Scholastic ref., 2005.-
80 p.: ill.
Scholastic atlas of oceans.- New York [et al.]: Scholastic ref., 2005.-
96 p.: ill.
Scholastic atlas of space.- New York [et al.]: Scholastic ref., 2005.-
80 p.: ill.
Scholastic atlas of the world.- New York [et al.]: Scholastic ref.,
2003.- 224 p.: ill.
Scholastic atlas of weather.- New York [et al.]: Scholastic, 2004.- 80
p.: ill.
The encyclopedia of the environment/ ed. by S.R.Kellert, M.Black.- New
York [et al.]: Watts, 1999.- 160 p.: ill.
Bookbinder S. The dictionary of the global economy/
S.Bookbinder, L.Einleger; consult. editor P.Bell.- New York [et al.]:
Watts, 2001.- 160 p.: ill.
Культура и искусство
Collins M. The Smithsonian Institution/ Mary Collins.- New
York [et al.]: Children's press, 1999.- 32 p.: ill.- (Cornerstones of
Fowler A. The Library of Congress/ Allan Fowler.- New York
[et al.]: Children's press, 1996.- 48 p.: ill.- (A true book).
Greenway S. Art : an A - Z guide/ sel. and written by Shirley
Greenway.- Danbury (CT) [et al.]: Watts, 2000.- 128 p.: ill.
Kramer P. American film : an A - Z guide/ P.Kramer,
P.T.Willetts; written by Peter Kramer and Paul Willetts.- New York [et
al.]: Watts, 2003.- 128 p.: ill.- (Watts ref.).
Publication manual of the American Psychological Association.- 5th ed.-
Washington (DC): Amer. Psychol. Assoc., 2007.- XXVIII, 439 p.
The dictionary of religion/ gen. editor R.S.Ellwood; advisers
G.D.Alles, M.Foglesong, N.Gilman.- New York [et al.]: Watts, 2001.- 128
p.: ill.- (Watts ref.).
Rau D.M. Halloween/ Dana Meachen Rau.- New York [et al.]:
Children's press, 2001.- 48 p.: ill.- (A true book).
Rau D.M. Martin Luther King Jr. Day/ Dana Meachen Rau.- New
York [et al.]: Children's press, 2001.- 48 p.: ill.- (A true book).
Rau D.M. Thanksgiving/ Dana Meachen Rau.- New York [et al.]:
Children's press, 2001.- 48 p.: ill.- (A true book).
Sanders N.I. Independence Day/ Nancy I. Sanders.- New York
[et al.]: Children's press, 2003.- 48 p.: ill.- (A true book).
Выдающиеся люди
Hasday J.L. Extraordinary women athletes.- New York [et al.]:
Children's press, 2000.- 288 p.: ill.- (Extraordinary people).
Keenan S. Scholastic encyclopedia of women in the United
States.- [New York]: Scholastic ref., 2002.- 206 p.: ill.- ISBN
0-590-05124-5: 45,00
Price-Groff C. Extraordinary women journalists.- New York [et
al.]: Children's press, 1997.- 272 p.: ill.- (Extraordinary people).
Leach D.F. Grant Wood. The artist in the hayloft/ text and
pict. sel. by Deba Foxley Leach.- Munich [et al.]: Prestel Verl.,
2005.- 28 p.: ill.- (Adventuries in art).
Martin M. Extraordinary people in jazz.- New York [et al.]:
Children's press, 2004.- 288 p.: ill.- (Extraordinary people).
Язык и литература
Bollard J.K. Scholastic children's thesaurus/ ill. by
M.Reed.- [New York]: Scholastic ref., 1998.- 256 p.: ill.
Scholastic writer's desk reference/ [M.Terban, S.Otfinoski, S.Young].-
[New York]: Scholastic ref., 2001.- VII, 312 p.
Terban M. Scholastic dictionary of idioms.- New York [et
al.]: Scholastic ref., 1998.- 245 p.: ill.
The dictionary of characters in children's literatute/ gen. ed. B. A.
Chin.- New York [et al.]: Watts, 2002.- 128 p.: ill.
Fischer D. The encyclopedia of the Summer Olympics.- New York
[et al.]: Watts, 2003.- 160 p.: ill.- (Watts ref.).
Stewart M. Basketball: a history of roops.- New York [et
al.]: Watts, 1998.- 160 p.: ill.- (The Watts history of sports).
Stewart M. Football: a history of the gridiron game.- New
York [et al.]: Watts, 1998.- 144 p.: ill.- (The Watts history of
Stewart M. The Daytona 500.- New York [et al.]: Watts, 2002.-
112 p.: ill.- (The Watts history of sports).
Grolier student encyclopedia: in 17 vol. - Danbury (CT) [et al.]:
Scholastic children's encyclopedia.- [New York]: Scholastic ref.,
2004.- IX, 710 p.: ill.